230 North Limestone, Suite 200, Lexington, Kentucky 40507 | Phone: (859) 455-3339

Support Modification Attorney

Child Support Modification Attorney

For survivors of divorce or dissolution of marriage, any change, or modification, of alimony or child support, threatens the hard-won stability and peace of mind achieved by having reached alimony or child support agreements in the first place.

Braxton Crenshaw Attorney at Law, has the self-confidence to strive for offering nothing less than lexington’s best choice for alimony modification and child support modification. The divorce attorney and dissolution of marriage lawyer Braxton Crenshaw know he is tough enough to prevail when their clients, already weary and bewildered by life changes caused by divorce or marital dissolution, confront alimony modification or child support modification.

Change of job, change of residence, and change of marital status, are not only unavoidable and stressful, they can directly impact the outcome of alimony and child support modification. Experienced family law attorney Braxton Crenshaw is well-prepared to deal with the many ways that people will hide, or disguise, crucial changes in their income, living arrangements, and romantic lives, in order to manipulate modifications to alimony and child support to their advantage.

We appreciate the potentially high emotional and financial costs of alimony and child support modification by offering Lexington residents dealing with these, and other family law matters, no-cost initial legal consultation.

Braxton Crenshaw Confronts Uncertainty With Certainty

In fast-paced uncertain times, Braxton Crenshaw, offers flexibility in scheduling, and agility in legal strategy and planning. Life can change in an instant. Investments, and job security, can vanish into thin air. Unforeseeable financial windfalls can materialize overnight. Braxton Crenshaw Attorney at Law is certain that the best alimony and child support modification attorneys are capable of wise rapid-response legal work that encompasses the crucial contingencies that determine the outcome of alimony and child support modification.

Family Law Attorney that Keeps an Eye on Your Future

Economic and marital stability may be more uncertain than ever, but Kentucky family law nonetheless imposes heavy sanctions on parties who fail to meet the financial requirements of spousal support, custody, or child support arrangements. Kentucky family court can and will respond to such failures with wage garnishment, court-mandated changes in child custody, and other methods for reaching equitable alimony and child support agreements. Only the deeply client-oriented, and forward-thinking kind of legal counsel offered by Braxton Crenshaw, can successfully adapt and legally strategize for Fayette County residents faced with a great many contingencies of alimony and child support modification.

Take Control of Your Future: Call Braxton Crenshaw and schedule a Free Legal Consultation*

Call [cusotm:phone], Braxton Crenshaw, offers no-cost initial legal consultation for alimony and child support modifications or dealing with filing for divorce, petition for dissolution of marriage, and all other family law issues.